Friday, 25 September 2015

God's Ways Are Higher

Are you frustrated that God's answer to your prayers is not exactly how you wanted it to be?

Are you disappointed at His ways because they seem to be contradictory to your own?

Or do you choose to disregard Him in your life because no matter what you do, it seems like you and God do not have the chemistry to work together?

TODAY'S Bible verse teaches us that as God, His ways are much higher than our ways, and His thoughts are way higher compared to ours. He paints a picture of heaven and earth to illustrate this to us - since heaven is way off the clouds and is much higher than the earth where we all are.

As human beings, we can't help but attempt to understand God's ways. And God does not condemn us for doing that. In fact, Psalm 103: 7 tells us "He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel." This means that God does not take offense whenever we try to understand His ways. However, we can never really do that unless, by grace, "He makes His ways known to us", in the same way as He did to Moses. 

Here's the truth, we are just the Creator's creations. Whether we like it or not, our minds are finite, limited, and many a times, what we think and how we act are much influenced by our emotions and feelings at that very time.

On the contrary, God is omniscient. The fact that He stands outside time and sees everything from the beginning to the end should give us a sense of comfort knowing that we serve a God who sees all things and acts according to what is good for us.

Although many a times we don't immediately understand what He does, we are very much assured that it is always for our good welfare. We are secure in the truth that God's plan is always good (Jeremiah 29:11) and that He always wants to bless us beyond our prayers (Ephesians 3:20).

The more we trust in His ways, the faster we can get to where He wants us to be. When we sync ourselves with His ways and submit to His plans, we will live a life of rest and we will notice that doors just open supernaturally without any struggle.

Well, one may ask : "How do we know that God is not lying and that He means what He say? How do we know that He is not just playing with words just to sound poetic?"

We know from the Bible that God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). We know that His words are true (Psalms 33:4). We also know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever(Hebrews 13:8). And there are countless more verses to refer to that will prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that God means what He says, and says what He means.

Just think about this: God sent Jesus to die for us even before we were born, even before we realize we were sinners, and even before we realize that we need of a Savior. If God waited for us to understand first before He could act, then we will all be doomed. But no, God acts according to His wisdom. And when we make the Creator of everything the King of our lives, we can be assured that we will get there. The road ahead may not be as easy as ABC. But if the King leads us to it, we are assured that He will lead us through it.

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