ANOTHER erroneous saying that we want to debunk today is this: "Too much reading of the Bible can make you crazy". It is not so prevalent in many areas in Cebu, but it exists nonetheless. And thus, it needs to be addressed at once.
First, we want to establish that the Bible is breathed by God (2 Tim 3:16) and all the words of God are true (Ps 119:160). Jesus said that we are not only to live by bread alone, but also by every word of God (Mt 4:4). Moreover, Jesus Himself is the Word of God, who already co-existed with God, who came down in the flesh and tabernacled among us (John 1:14).
Second, Jesus Himself has a high regard for the Scriptures. When He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He used the Scriptures to overcome the testings. He used the lines "it is written... (Mt 4:4, Lk 4:4). If Jesus Himself esteemed the Bible highly, how much more should we?
Lastly, The Holy Spirit is the main Author of the Bible working in different secretaries who came from different backgrounds. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and it is He who has inspired all the words that are written in the Bible. With this, we are assured that the Bible does not sway us away from what the Father and the Son wants us to do. Instead, it is wise if we listen to what He has to say since it is He who knows all things about the Father and the Son.
Combining all the three, we can conclude that we should be reading the Bible as frequent as we can contrary to the false saying that it can make us crazy if we read it too much.
We don't live by just reading it once a month. Nobody here eats a meal and then lives the next 17 days without eating again. Likewise, we can't face life without feeding from the Word of God. We were designed to feed on it. We were made to become dependent on His Words. We need Him.
This saying that says "Too much reading of the Bible can make you crazy" is nothing more than a false staement from the pit of hell. It is a Satanic statement meant to discourage anyone from reaching out to the Bible. How can it make one crazy when it is the very food that we were made to feed on?
In closing, we want to encourage you to go to the Bible as often as you can. It is like a fountain springing forth with fresh water. Anyone who is thirsty and comes to this fountain will surely be satisfied, and in return, out of His own belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38).
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