Tuesday 15 September 2015

We Are Blood-Bought

GOD had a choice: spare His Son and let all of us just burn in hell, or spare us which would then cost Him His Son.

His Son is perfect, we are not. His Son is sinless, we are not. His Son is righteous and holy, we are not.

Yet, God did the unthinkable. He spared not His only Son but gave Him up for us. His Son's death bought us out of the slave market of sin. His blood was shed inorder to wash away the stain of sins and so that we be reconciled to a perfect and sinless God.

With this, let us be assured that we are not just any other face in this world. Let us always bear in mind that we are blood-bought, not with the blood of bulls and goats that they used to offer during those days, but by the royal blood of Jesus Christ. Take heart! We matter to Him!

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